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Minor operations

Minor operations

Minor operations are those which are considered not necessary to undergo a general anaesthetic and are typically a walk-in-walk-out treatment. At Netri Cosmetic Surgery in Cheshire, we take every patient concern seriously and understand that even small issues can affect how our patients live their lives. Therefore, Mr Netri not only performs breast, facial and body procedures but also offers smaller operations such as:

  • Mole removal
  • Sebaceous cyst removal
  • Skin tag removal
  • Lipoma removal

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We offer full diagnostic and screening procedures as part of our service, using an externally, fully-accredited laboratory.

Before any minor operation can take place, we will ask that you attend a no obligation consultation, so that Mr Netri can discuss your concerns, examine your skin and take any superficial samples he may need to take, for laboratory testing. He will also check your medical history, to ensure that there are no contraindications which may prevent you from going ahead with a minor surgery.

A minor surgery may involve an incision being made and a local anaesthetic will usually be all that’s required. Other techniques can involve device technologies such as laser. Mr Netri will inform you of the techniques he intends to use in your initial consultation.

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Your consultation with Mr Netri

Before any surgical treatment can commence here at Netri Cosmetic Surgery in Cheshire, we will conduct an initial consultation with Mr Netri. Our practice nurse will also attend, so that you feel comfortable and relaxed.

This meeting will last approximately 1 hour and will give you the opportunity to discuss why you are considering a gynaecomastia surgery, what you’re expecting before, during and after the procedure, any concerns or questions you have and what you expect by means of results.

Mr Netri will also speak to you about your family and your medical history. He will also need your permission to contact your GP to obtain your medical records for assessment. In some cases and as recommended by new guidelines in the UK for cosmetic Surgery, a psychological assessment may also be carried out.

Mr Netri will examine and measure your chest and take note of your chest size, shape, the position of your nipples and the skin quality in this area. After this examination has taken place, Mr Netri can then explain, in detail, the operation itself, any risks that are associated with the procedure and possible associated complications.

You will be offered a second consultation with Mr Netri, to talk through your surgical plan, in detail and to ask any additional questions that you might have thought of or forgotten during your first appointment.

At Netri Cosmetic Surgery, we have a minimum 14 day cooling off period. This allows you to think carefully about your operation and whether it is the right decision for you. We want to ensure that you have all the necessary information possible to make this decision and respect that this can take a little time. At any point during your decision making process, you can speak with Mr Netri or the team, if you have any further questions or concerns. Take your time to come to your decision and it will be the right one for you.

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