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Expert eyelid surgery. Signature Flair

The eyes are a focal feature and usually the first thing someone notices about us when they meet us. As we start to age, or as a result of certain medical conditions, sagging skin, bags, puffiness and dark circles can appear, which can have a significant effect on our facial appearance and in some cases, can even impair our vision. At Netri Cosmetic Surgeons in Cheshire, we offer eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) to improve the appearance of the upper and lower eye bags, as well as helping to improve your vision, if it is, indeed impaired by your eye bags..

Prices start from £4,200

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What is blepharoplasty?

In a blepharoplasty, the loose and sagging skin which can alter your natural eye contour is surgically removed. Where once folds were visible, this skin removal can help to re-shape the eyelid, creating a more youthful and wide-awake look. Blepharoplasty can also help those patients who want to get rid of fatty deposits that create the illusion of puffiness around the eyes, as well as eye bags and drooping lower eyelids. Lines and deeper wrinkles can also be banished with this procedure, offering permanent results.

A blepharoplasty procedure is usually performed as a day case, with 10 days to 2 weeks recovery time. Mr Netri uses a variety of skilled techniques and innovative methods, so you can be sure you will get the very best treatment for your individual concerns.

Your consultation with Mr Netri

Before any surgical treatment can commence here at Netri Cosmetic Surgery in Cheshire, we will conduct an initial consultation with Mr Netri. Our practice nurse will also attend, so that you feel comfortable and relaxed.

This meeting will last approximately 1 hour and will give you the opportunity to discuss why you are considering blepharoplasty surgery, what you’re expecting before, during and after the procedure, any concerns or questions you have and what you expect by means of results.

Mr Netri will also speak to you about your family and your medical history. He will also need your permission to contact your GP to obtain your medical records for assessment. In some cases and as recommended by new guidelines in the UK for cosmetic Surgery, a psychological assessment may also be carried out.

You will be offered a second consultation with Mr Netri, to talk through your surgical plan, in detail and to ask any additional questions that you might have thought of or forgotten during your first appointment.

At Netri Cosmetic Surgery, we have a minimum 14 day cooling off period. This allows you to think carefully about your operation and whether it is the right decision for you. We want to ensure that you have all the necessary information possible to make this decision and respect that this can take a little time. At any point during your decision making process, you can speak with Mr Netri or the team, if you have any further questions or concerns. Take your time to come to your decision and it will be the right one for you.

Mr Netri is renowned for his professionalism, empathy and understanding when it comes to your blepharoplasty procedure. Throughout the process, he will guide you through every step of your journey.

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Am I suitable for eyelid surgery?

Before any treatment can take place here at Netri Cosmetic Surgery, we will ask that you attend a no obligation consultation with Mr Netri.

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What happens during eyelid surgery?

A local or general anaesthetic will be administered, depending on what you have agreed in your preliminary consultations with Mr Netri.

Mr Netri can then proceed with the surgery, utilising his extensive skill to choose the best techniques to use, such as deciding on the best place for any incision to minimise and hide any potential scarring. For example, the upper eyelid can be corrected through an incision made on the natural crease of the eyelid, allowing for discreet removal or repositioning of fat deposits, tightening of certain muscles within this area and the removal of excess skin.

Once the surgery is complete, Mr Netri will close the incision with stitches (which are removed after a week) or skin glue. Mr Netri may also decide to use a laser or chemical peel, following your surgery, to help reduce discolouration of the lower eyelids.

When will I see results?

The results of eyelid surgery will start to appear when any swelling and bruising, caused by the surgery, subsides. A smoother, more-defined eyelid and surrounding eye region and a more wide-awake and youthful appearance can then be enjoyed for many years. We can say that blepharoplasty offers ‘permanent’ results. However it will not stop the natural ageing process from continuing.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to recover from eyelid surgery?

Mr Netri will give you a complete list of aftercare instructions on what to do after your eye surgery as well as medication, ointments and cold compresses to reduce swelling and bruising. Your eyes may be covered in gauze for a while, depending on which procedure you have undergone. Expect some initial swelling, slight bruising, irritation, dry eyes and discomfort that can be controlled with certain medication, a cold compresses and specially prescribed ointment. You will also have to wear sunglasses during your recovery. Expect downtime to be around 10 to 14 days following your procedure.

Are there any risks?

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure and as with all surgeries, there are always risks, however unlikely. However, Mr Netri who has specialised in this field for many years is an expert in these procedures and therefore any risks or side-effects are minimal to negligible. All risks will be discussed thoroughly in your pre-treatment consultations and you will be made fully-aware of them, prior to signing our consent form, as part of our duty of care to all our patients, here at Netri Cosmetic Surgery.

Potential risks may include:

  • Complications with anaesthetic.
  • Bruising and swelling.
  • Bleeding from the incisions.
  • Dry eyes following procedure.
  • Sensitivity to sun or other bright lights.
  • Difficulty when closing your eyes.
  • Ectropion (outward rolling of the lower eyelid).
  • Infection after surgery.
  • Lid lag (pulling down of the lower eyelid – usually temporary).
  • Temporary and in some rare cases permanent change in vision, and extremely rare chance of blindness.
  • Changes of skin sensation or numbness around eyelashes.
  • Pain, which can persist.
  • Possible requirement for revision surgery.
  • Unfavourable outcome.

What results can I expect from eyelid surgery?

The great news is that the results of eyelid surgery are long-lasting and there is very little pain associated with this procedure. However, there may well be some bruising and swelling after the surgery. Most patients look and feel good enough to go out in public, 10 to 14 days after surgery, but it could take several months before the final healing is completed and optimum results are seen.
You will need to take care of your eyes and the skin around them, to maintain the best results and although blepharoplasty will correct long-term and offers ‘permanent’ results, the ageing process will still continue. Therefore, eating a healthy diet, keeping your face out of the sun and refraining from damaging lifestyle choices such as smoking, will help to maintain your results for as long as possible.

How much does eyelid surgery cost?

Prices start from £4000. However, the cost may vary due to the following considerations.

Type of procedure

Surgeon’s fees

Hospital facility


Medication prescriptions

Medical tests

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